1. Fachartikel:

    The Use of Silver Nylon in Preventing Surgical Site Infections Following Colon and Rectal Surgery
    Krieger BR et al., Diseases of Colon and Rectum, Vol.54 No.6, Aug. 2014

  2. Fachartikel:

    A Clinical Trial to Investigate the Effect of Silver Dressings on Mediastinitis Rates in Postoperative Cardiac Sternotomy Incisions
    Huckfeld R et al. Ostomy Wound Management 2008;54(10):36-41

  3. Fachartikel:

    Silverlon® use in Afghanistan for Burn Care
    Brandt M-M; Poster presentation

  4. Fachartikel:

    Silverlon® Burn Products Continuum of Burn Care
    Cedrick; Poster presentation

  5. Fachartikel:

    Silverlon® Burn Products Continuum of Burn Care
    Cedrick; Poster presentation

  6. Fachartikel:

    Results of directly applied activated carbon cloth in chronic wounds: a preliminary study
    Scheer SH, Kaiser M and Zingg U; Article in Journal of Wound Care 2017, Vol 26 No 8

  7. Fachartikel:

    Long Fiber Activated Carbon Cloth as a Skin Contact Layer Reverses Moisture Associated Dermatitis
    Winkler Sr. MJ; Poster presented at SAWC 2018

  8. Fachartikel:

    Experience in treating combat burns in Afghanistan by using silver-nylon dressing.
    (Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an.)
    Pozza M, Matthew P, Lunardi F; Poster presentation

  9. Fachartikel:

    The Usage of Activated Carbon Cloth (Zorflex) In A Multiple Comorbid Chronic Wound patient: A Case Study.
    Ming Long K, Chee Yang L, Kar Chun T, Izzati Bt Mohd Roslan R and Mohd Bukhari Muslim; Poster presented at Global Woundcare Conference Kuala Lumpur 2019

  10. Fachartikel:

    Recalcitrant Ulcer in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Role of Activated Carbon Cloth Dressing
    Ying Siew Lu; Poster presented at Global Woundcare Conference Kuala Lumpur 2019

  11. Fachartikel:

    Use of a Silver Nylon Dressing Following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Decreases the Postoperative Infection Rate
    Tisosky AJ, Iyoha-Bello O, Demosthenes N, Quimbayo G, Coreanu T and Abdeen A; J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev. 1(7) Oct 17 2017

  12. Fachartikel:

    The Use of Silver Nylon in Preventing Surgical Site Infections Following Colon and Rectal Surgery
    Krieger B, Davis DM, Sanchez JE, Mateka JJ, Nfonsam VN, Frattini JC and Marcet JE; Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 54(6) 2011

  13. Fachartikel:

    Safety evaluation of silver-ion dressings in a porcine model of deep dermal wounds: A GLP study
    (Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
    Barillo DJ, Croutch CR, Barillo AR, Reid F and Singer A; Toxicol Lett. 319:111-118 2020

  14. Fachartikel:

    The Use of a Silver-Nylon Dressing During Evacuation of Military Burn Casualties.
    (Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
    Aurora A, Beasy A, Rizzo JA and Chung KK; J Burn Care Res. 39(4):593-597 2018

  15. Fachartikel:

    Reduction in Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections Correlated With the Introduction of a Novel Silver-Plated Dressing for Central Venous Catheters and Maintained for 6 Years
    Karlnoski R, Abboud EC, Thompson P, Oxner AZ, Sinnott JT and Marcet JE; J Intensive Care Med. 34(7):544-549 Jul 2019

  16. Fachartikel:

    A Clinical Trial to Investigate the Effect of Silver Nylon Dressings on Mediastinitis Rates in Postoperative Cardiac Sernotomy Incisions
    Huckfeldt R, Redmond C, Mikkelson D, Finley PJ, Lowe C and Robertson J; Ostomy Wound Manage. 54(10):36-41 Oct 2008

  17. Fachartikel:

    Using a silver-coated polymeric substrate for the management of chronic ulcerations: the initial Mayo Clinic experience, R. A. Moore et al The Use of a Silver-Nylon Dressing During Evacuation of Military Burn Casualties.
    (Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
    Moore RA, Liedl DA, Jenkins S and Andrews KL; Adv Skin Wound Care 2008 Nov;21(11):517-20

  18. Fachartikel:

    Blood and Tissue Silver Levels Following Application of Silver-Based Dressings to Sulfur Mustard Chemical Burns.
    (Pubmed-Link, Volltext hier leider nicht verfügbar. Bitte sprechen Sie uns an)
    Barillo DJ, Croutch CR, Reid F, Culley T, Sosna W an Roseman J; J Burn Care Res Sep/Oct 2017;38(5):e818-e823

  19. Fachartikel:

    A literature review of the military uses of silver-nylon dressings with emphasis on wartime operations.
    Barillo DJ, Pozza M and Margaret-Brandt M; Burns 40S(2014) S24-29

  20. Fachartikel:

    Silver-based dressings for the reduction of surgical site infection: Review of current experience and recommendation for future studies.
    Abboud EC, Settle JC, Legare TB, Marcet JE, Barillo DJ and Sanchez JE; Burns, 01 Dec 2014, 40 Suppl 1:S30-9

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